Name: Jozef Grajek,P.E.,P.Eng., MASCE Digest Summary of Experience: Professionally active Senior Civil/Airport/Infrastructure Senior Engineer specialized in the planning, design,construction and operation of airports, studies, research and development and innovation.Expertise on airside development projects, complete runways design and construction,planning, design and evaluation of airfield pavements. Conducted research and studies on:Multilayer Airfield Pavements Design,Composite Materials, Individually Developed and Implemented Equipment for Pavement Testing and Instrumentation, Designed and Implemented Unbonded Concrete For Runways Overlay, Instrumentation and Runways Surface Reconstruction and Rehabilitation.
Specialize In Performance Improvement For Large Complex Airports and For Municipal Infrastructure
Education: University of Military Technology, Warsaw: B.S. Civil Engineering,Specialization; Design and Construction of Airports, M.Sc. Civil Engineering Specialization;Design and Construction of Airports, Doctoral Research: Airfield Composite Pavements. Academic Teacher,